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Wingspan 176"

Length 96"

Weight: 17-19lbs

Airfoil: SD3021

4 Channel: R,E SP, AIL.


The Slingsby Swallow is a wonderful scale Sailplane that can be flown in most conditions. It’s 1/3 scale accurate outline provides a wonderful canvas for those looking to do a super scale build. Although nothing has been compromised to maintain scale fidelity, the Swallow is extremely easy to build. If you have just basic balsa building skills, this kit will propose no challenges. The Swallows flight characteristics are what we would call relaxing. Although it’s more than capable of flying in strong winds, it really comes into its own in light thermal conditions. If your new to scale aero towing this would be a great choice. Kit includes all laser cut wood parts, all wood stock and 1/32” plywood skins for wings and tail group. Also included is a full size plan and instruction manual, crystal clear canopy, incorporated tow release, and basic hardware for completion.


Completion Items:

Tow release SPMSA7040

Rudder SPMSA5060

Spoiler/Elev 4 x SPMSA7020

Aileron 2 x SPMSA7050

Receiver SPMAR9030T

Flight pack SPMB4000LFRX



Slingsby T-45 Swallow Manual 


Slingsby T-45 Swallow


    We love when people show interest in our kits; it means people are building things again, and that makes us happy! Although we would like to have inventory of all our kits, it's often difficult to achieve due to fluctuating demands aligned with our manufacturing capabilities. We are only a small business, so we apologize in advance if your kit is not in stock when you place your order. However, we assure you we will get it done in a timely manner. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Peter Goldsmith

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